About Frederic Sautter
Dr. Frederic Sautter is a licensed clinical psychologist with twenty-five years of experience treating individuals and couples struggling with mental health or relationship problems. He received his graduate and post-doctoral training at the University of Cincinnati before accepting a faculty appointment as Assistant Professor at the Tulane University School of Medicine. Thrilled to have the opportunity to live in the diverse and stimulating environment provided by the Greater New Orleans area Dr. Sautter enjoyed working at Tulane providing therapy to individuals, couples, and families.
Dr. Sautter then accepted a position at the New Orleans VA Medical Center. He worked in this specialized PTSD Program for ten years before receiving a grant to start a Family Mental Health Program to help Veterans returning from war reintegrate with their families. While leading the Family Mental Health Program Dr. Sautter developed an innovative couple therapy called Structured Approach Couple Therapy (SACT). This couple therapy was proven effective in a clinical trial as it significantly reduced posttraumatic stress disorder in combat veterans. A copy of a publication describing the SACT randomized clinical trial is attached and a book explaining SACT will be published by Oxford University Press in late 2021.
Dr. Sautter has recently left his position at the VA and is enthusiastic about providing mental health and family services to the community of Greater New Orleans his Relational Health Program. The mission of Relational Health is to provide individual or family mental health services to any individual who is experiencing relationship or interpersonal problems or is currently enduring high levels of fear, anxiety, or depression as a result of experiencing significant adversity or exposure to traumatic events. These family or couple services are especially valuable to patients, family members, or first responders whose lives have been touched by COVID. If you have experienced mood, anxiety, or relationship problems because of COVID or other any other adversity or trauma contact Dr. Sautter for a low-cost telephone or telehealth consultation.